Using PACS servers that run on PACS server software can be quite expensive because PACS servers are very pricey. Also, they take up a lot of physical space. You also have to worry about any unfortunate incidents that may disable the server and you may not be able to recover the entire data. Cloud-based PACS have provided a very good solution to this. If you use cloud-based PACS with the help of PostDICOM’s PACS server software, you don’t have to worry about data loss. We describe other reasons why it’s a good idea to use PostDICOM’s cloud PACS.

Backup & Recovery

Medical data is not only very important, but it’s also very crucial in life and death situations. This is why they need to be stored in a very secure location where there’s almost no chance of losing them. PACS servers are made with electronic, mechanic, and software parts and all of these have their own lifespan which will be over one time or the other. But if you store the data in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about any of them. Your data’s backup and recovery are secured in a cloud-based PACS.


PostDICOM allows hospitals’ HIS (Hospital Information System), RIS (Radiology Information System), and EHR (Electronic Health Record) to connect or integrate with the PostDICOM’s cloud. Integrating them with PostDICOM’s cloud allows the doctors in those hospitals to instantly upload the medical images in PostDICOM’s cloud and not worry about data loss anymore.

DICOM Viewer

If you upload medical images in PostDICOM’s cloud, you won’t need any other PACS system radiology software to view those images, because PostDICOM has it’s built-in DICOM viewer and with that, you can easily view and analyze those medical images. The DICOM viewer can be accessed using an Internet browser and when you close the browser the patient data won’t be left on the client machine after usage. PostDICOM’s cloud supports Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android; the browsers it supports are Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Tools to Report

PostDICOM’s cloud PACS allows its users to use reporting workflow. This is a very useful service because orders can be assigned to the reasonable users at each step of the reporting workflow. Mistakes can also be reduced by a lot using these tools.


The top priority for a cloud-based service should be security. PostDICOM uses SSL internally among its servers and AES 256 encryption by default. When you upload data on PostDICOM’s cloud it gets encrypted by AES 256 and then stored on AWS’s S3 storage.


If you use physical PACS servers, you have to distribute the medical images through CDs or DVDs or any kind of portable device. But it’s a hassle and takes time. Thanks to technological advancements, we have better ideas for sharing medical images. If you use PostDICOM’s cloud service, you share the medical images by creating a share link with access passwords and then share them with patients and doctors.


Cloud-based storage is the future. It has already become very popular and people from all industries rely on cloud-based storage for their sensitive data.


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